
Mineral Shaman

Witness Your Body’s Majesty

Pause and fathom the miracle unfolding this very second…trillions of cells regenerating, breathing life into your being, each one tracing back in unbroken line to the two that first embraced inside the warm darkness of your mother’s womb.

Be awed by creation’s majesty and scope through this somato-spiritual lens: Healing is growth. Healing is shedding what no longer serves to make space for renewed expression. Healing is the natural state.

Where then does dis-ease originate? Not in the constellations of symptoms we anxiously assemble into diagnoses. For the body artfully adapts when obstruction clouds its view. Illness derives from blinding paradigms that distort our vision – obscuring nature’s perfect order with fear, judgment and mistaken metaphors.

Expand your perception today. Draw breath through this new gateway and behold your awesome capacity for rebirth when old stories melt away. What dormant potentials awaken through those liberated eyes?

Where Dogma Derails Healing

Western medicine has drifted far from the winding path that bodies traverse when seeking harmony. Though most practitioners enter the field with virtue, the system corrupts natural logic. It fragments care. Fixates on suppressing signals while sickness festers underneath.

Why the disconnect? Because for the past century, emotional and energetic disquiet have been deemed less valid than physiology. So traumas fester, mineral depletion accelerates, inflammation smolders. Cells cry out for missing elements and exhausted fuel tanks, but few diagnose the root psychic wounds or reconnect circuits to nourish flow.

I witnessed this distortion firsthand through 15 years of wandering diagnosed pathways that lead back to the start. But once I began rebuilding my mineral foundation and addressing trapped trauma, clarity emerged. Energy reignited. Healing codes unlocked.

Now I devote my practice to guiding others back to nature’s baseline resilience coded within since birth. Through strategic replenishment, neural rewiring and paradigm pivots, wellbeing awakens. Our future medicine rests upon this ancient ground.

Join My Journey Beyond Limits

Greetings…some call me the Mineral Shaman – originally tongue-in-cheek, but it stuck! I earn the name through decades spent questioning paradigms, probing beliefs declared as absolute fact. I unravel the interwoven threads of an idea until truth shines through.

My expedition began in youth when I rejected the food pyramid as nutritionally bankrupt. Despite ridicule, I felt called to honor my ancestor’s wisdom. My body rewarded trust with vitality’s glow.

Since then, no dogma escapes interrogation. The germ theory’s cracks became clear, exposing life’s cooperative roots. Holistic psychology and true contagion found definition through Nature’s lens. Even alt-health body gospels fall short of our magnificence.

Now I infuse these hard-won lessons into my practice. Through counseling emotional roots, balancing minerals, aligning lifestyle and unveiling blind spots, I reveal your body’s self-healing impulse waiting to be unveiled. My gift is to hold space for your whispers until you can hear them too.

When the student is ready, the teacher appears. How may I help you expand beyond what limits you today?

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